If you install the server with access to privileged ports (
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If the initially suggested port is not free or cannot be used due to lack of privileges, interactive setup adds 1000 to the port number and tries again, repeatedly adding 1000 until a free port is found.
Install an OpenDJ proxy server instance. There are two ways to specify the servers to be contacted by the proxy. They can either be listed exhaustively or retrieved from an existing replication topology. See "setup proxy-server --help" for specific options.
Depending on the maximum DSD rate your DAC supports this means upsampling 176.4 and/or 352.8KHz PCM to DoP DSD256 or DSD512 in the DSD Processor component leaving those sample rates free in the foo_dsd_asio proxy for stripping DSD64/128 coming in 176.4/352.8 DoP from their PCM wrapper.